Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am wondering if there is anyone who has NF also has ADHD?  I do not know if I have it.  I did a self assessment on line just to see, and it says I may and that I should talk to a doctor.  I talked to my PCP and he suggested that I go talk to a psycharist about it.  I am one that cannot sit still.  I will have like four,five, six things going on at once and I do not know which one to do.  For example, I have my wish lists, blogs, journal, all open at the same time and I do not confused or anything, I just do not know what I should finish.  My moods can be up and down (not as bad as they were) but  my mind is always going and once I think of something, I need to start it even though I have five or six things going on at once.