Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I am wondering if there is anyone who has NF also has ADHD?  I do not know if I have it.  I did a self assessment on line just to see, and it says I may and that I should talk to a doctor.  I talked to my PCP and he suggested that I go talk to a psycharist about it.  I am one that cannot sit still.  I will have like four,five, six things going on at once and I do not know which one to do.  For example, I have my wish lists, blogs, journal, all open at the same time and I do not confused or anything, I just do not know what I should finish.  My moods can be up and down (not as bad as they were) but  my mind is always going and once I think of something, I need to start it even though I have five or six things going on at once. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I realized

Call me crazy, but I have kind of realized something.  I have tons of friends on faceboook who have NF and a majority of those friends who have had tumors or have tumors are located on the left side, whether it is the left eye, left side of the brain, and so on.  And also I might jumping to conclusions here, but most people's right side is the dominate, like writing and what not.  So if the right side is the dominate, and the left is not, but tumors happen on the left side that is not dominate....?  Am I losing anyone or do you know what I am talking about.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Back in October 2010 I went to see my NF doctor.  I was told that there was this study in progress with a laser treatment to remove small cutaneous tumors that are growing.  They were just doing the ones on the face to see how it panned out and then go from there.  I was told to call in three months to find out if it was working and if so, I could check it out.  So I called tonight and spoke with the Clinical Research Coordinator.  She said that the one person who is doing this has shown no results.  They have tried several lasers and what not, and some lasers are more powerful than others on the ones that they have been using and nothing is shown to be removing them.  
I believe that this is still possible.  There is a reason why it is not happening now.  Maybe down the road there will be a cream found and tested to remove the tumors, if not remove them, then shrink them.  I do believe that there is hope and I am just staying positive.  There are a bunch of people working and researching a cure for NF, in time I think that something has to give. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Day

Why does it seem that most of us are not happy with ourselves.  By this meaning, when people say.. I wish I had more money, I wish I had a big house, i wish I had a new car, i wish I looked like this and so on and so forth.  Of course I find myself saying these exact same things, especially with NF.  Of course I wish I did not have it and I wish I did not have the "bumps".  But I do and there is nothing I can do about it (yet- who knows maybe there will be a cure and they can go away) but for now it is what it is.  I am not going to get upset or dwell on something that I can't change.  All of us (in general) need to be happy with what we have instead of being upset and wishing on something that we do not have.  Guaranteed there are millions of people out there who love to switch places with me and there are people are there who have a lot less than I do and wish they had what I had.  I have a roof over my head, a wonderful husband, wonderful family and friends (Love you all), a good job, and so much more.  If only we took the time too look at we have- we have it good compared to a lot of people out there.  We just need to keep the faith and thank God every day that we get to get out of bed in the morning and do our thing. 

Love it

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am a little upset with myself.  I keep saying that I am going to write something everyday on my blog and I have yet to succeed in doing so.  I am lucky if I do it once every other week.  I go to work, come home, cook dinner, shower, and then I go to school on-line for a few hours, and then make the lunches for the next day, and wash up for bed, and before I know it, it is just about 11:00pm. 
I was having pain on my right side, the same place I had my surgery when I was  nine years old.  So of course I was freaking out.  I know the pain back then was horrible- i could not even walk without help, and if I had to sneeze, I screamed cuz the pain in my side was brutal.  But what i do not remember is how the pain started- did it start out like this and just got worse, or was it bad right from the start.  Well anyway I have no more pain, so maybe it was just a pulled/strained muscle.  Most of the time when I get an "ouchie" I think the worst.  I kind of get into panic mode and want to see a doctor right away- just in case.  I know I should think negative, but I am a "what if girl". 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Bumps

Ok so there are times when I think I notice a new bump, but I do not know if it has been there or if it a new one.  It does not bother me as much as it used to- it is who I am.  I e-mailed a research person from my NF doctors office about a study/research thing they are doing to try and get rid of the bumps that are underneath the skin- they want to do the face first. Have not heard anything, so I will just keep on e-mailing until I get somwhere.