Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Bumps

Ok so there are times when I think I notice a new bump, but I do not know if it has been there or if it a new one.  It does not bother me as much as it used to- it is who I am.  I e-mailed a research person from my NF doctors office about a study/research thing they are doing to try and get rid of the bumps that are underneath the skin- they want to do the face first. Have not heard anything, so I will just keep on e-mailing until I get somwhere. 

1 comment:

  1. My bumps used 2 bother me as well. I am noticing more now that I am etin loser menopause. My 4 y/o great-niece has always asked me what they were (she likes 2 play with a soft one that I have on my wrist...I've always told her, "it's just a bump" in a sing-song sort of way....Now she'll play with it and sing, "It's just a bump"...<3 that little one.
