Thursday, November 11, 2010


There are times when I feel pretty and then there are those times that I feel ugly.  Some days are better than others.  I still get self conscious when I talk to people that do not know that I have NF or that I am blind in my left eye, and I always wonder "what are they thinking? Are the thinking how come this girl's left eye is weird or drifty".. and so many other thoughts.  Then I sometimes will think, maybe they do not notice.  There have been times when I have told people about my condition and my eye and they simply say that they did not even notice. 
What I love about my job is working with children.  It seems children are the only ones that do not judge you, that you are perfect in their eyes and you have no flaws.  I  have some "bumps" on my arms and neck that the kids see and they say.. "Oh no Miss Jacki has a boo-boo.." and they kiss it and ask me if it is all better.  It is so hard to hold back tears of happines when they do that. I tell them that of course my boo-boo is better.  Sometimes they ask if I want ice for my boo-boo or a band-aid.. that is so heart warming that they care that much- and they are only TWO years old- I love my kids to death and they mean the world to me.  I am blessed that God has put them in my life- so therefore I have something to smile about everyday.

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